An all-inclusive craft experience for the elderly, adults with learning and physical disabilities and mental health concerns. We also specialise in working with people with dementia and also within wider community groups.

Creative Mojo are members of

Care England Member National Activity Providers Association Member

Providing creative Workshops & Art Kits for all abilities

In-Home Workshops
with a Mojo team member

<strong>In-Home Workshops</strong><br>with a Mojo team member Find out more and book

Book a delivered Art Kit
direct to your home

<strong>Book a delivered Art Kit</strong><br>direct to your home Book an Art Kit now

Musicals Extravaganza - Our New National Exhibition

Musicals Extravaganza - Our New National Exhibition Find out more

Each month our workshops reach

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Fun, entertaining, rewarding, enjoyable and cost effective craft workshops, but with a unique twist!

Our workshops are tailored with both individual residents and groups in mind.

By utilising our unique die-cut shapes, it allows individuals to communicate through their own creative expression.

All our workshops have been developed for both individuals and groups of any ability.

More than 90+ tailored seasonal and event themed workshops.

Our workshop leaders are trained to motivate and include all individuals.

Our fantastic testimonials

"Alexandra Mill’s Residents benefit enormously from Yvonne’s Creative Mojo Sessions. It’s an opportunity for everyone to spend a morning being creative regardless of ability and to then showcase the finished pieces that people have collaborated on. I can highly recommend Yvonne’s art classes”

Steph Sheer, Deputy Manager Alexandra Mill care home.

Very good activities, all the residents in our home love the activity. This gives them an opportunity to explore their creative sides.

Mark Swanson Bluebird Care

What the Care Homes have to say

A selection of just a few of the national Care Groups we work with in the UK


All our Mojo's are highly trained, passionate people who love what they do.

Every Creative Mojo representative is trained at our Devon headquarters, are fully insured and all have current Disclosure Scotland or DBS's.

Featured franchise

Redditch, Bromsgrove & Solihull

Anita Priest


Hi, I’m Anita,

After attending art college and then university, obtaining qualifications in ceramics, I then became an interior decorator, now 30 years later I feel I’ve found the job I’ve always been looking for, combining my creative skills, patience, cheeriness, understanding and respect of people.  I am so happy to be part of Creative Mojo.

Knowing I am making a positive difference to residents lives is the best reward !

07780 970770

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